List of blog posts

[🚧 WIP] How a simple color generating problem lead me to a rabbit hole involving the golden ratio.

Math 📆 2023-02-04

We all have our own way of speaking, but how can we capture this mathematically?

Language Processing 📆 2023-01-26

[🚧 WIP] Noise generators are super useful for Procedural Generation of terrain and textures, but they are clunky to handle, let's fix that !

Programming 📆 2022-09-03

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a scientist discovering a deep secret of the Universe ? Find out with this card game.

Science 📆 2022-08-07

My Master's Thesis on Automatic Fact Checking using modern Language Models at UdeM

Machine Learning 📆 2021-12-31

Batch renaming softwares have complicated UIs with tons of fields. Turns out you only need 1.

Language Processing, UI 📆 2021-11-20

My attempt at solving a real world problem in a game creation school !

Evolutionnary algorithm 📆 2021-09-05

[🚧 WIP] Moral systems have axioms - fundamental building rules - that always seem arbitrary to me, so let's get rid of it.

Topic 📆 2021-05-02